Has it ever happened to you that you checked your period app only to notice that your period should have started already? And, let’s be honest, now you are ever so slightly panicking inside. Don’t worry! Normal cycle is more of a spectrum than anything else. It usually lasts somewhere between 3-7 days, with a blood loss of around 4 tablespoons in total. However, nothing is set in stone, as some people have lighter/heavier periods than others, and it can even vary from cycle to cycle. A general rule of thumb is that a period is considered late if it is delayed by 7 days or more.
Stress may be one of the biggest reasons for your period coming later than usual. Having a manageable amount of stress in your life is absolutely normal but excessive levels of either physical or mental stress can have different effects on your body, one of them being delayed period.
How to get back on track? – Make time to relax. Whatever floats your boat meditation, journaling, colouring books… – go for it! – Track your moods, changes in diet or big life events in order to better identify some of your stressors. – Cut back on caffeine and alcohol as both can increase cortisol levels. – Prioritize healthy sleep we often focus on quantity and forget about quality, a good night routine may help your body fall into a proper sleep rhythm. |