This is the #1 question we got asked in our last LaliLetter so to help you out, we’ve put together a list of different folds for you to try.
There is a plethora of different cup folds you can choose from; the aim of the game, however, is to find what feels good to you. The fold your best friend swears by may not fit you at all and that is where we come in with our list:
You’ve probably heard of this one before as it is the most common of all folds and a definite crowd favourite because you can do it very quickly using one hand. However, it also results in a larger insertion point and may cause some discomfort for beginners.
This fold has one of the smallest insertion points. Another advantage of this method is that, when folded correctly, it retains a lot of air so it is easier to “pop open” after insertion. Definitely a beginner-friendly nstrual cup fold (and to be honest, I still use it after years of cup experience).
This cup creates a fairly small point of insertion and also releases a lot easier aka gives you more control over when you want the period cup to pop open. If this is where your struggles lie, then this just might be the technique for you.
I left the most intricate one for last. This fold is admittedly a tad bit trickier and you might not succeed during your first attempts (so it may not be advisable for beginners) but there seem to be a fair number of fans who use it because of the nub that makes the cup easier to pop open.